Coffee Beverages Explained
September 16

Coffee Beverages Explained

Espresso and filtered coffee are two main categories of coffee based on the method of preparation. Learn about individual types of coffee that fall to these categories..

Coffee processing techniques
September 9

Coffee processing techniques

Learn about the techniques of processing the products of coffee plants. Different methods are used in different parts of the world depending mainly on their weather conditions.

On Roasts
August 20

On Roasts

Roasting coffee beans can take from 6 to 13 minutes. Different roasting times produce different types of coffee, with varying concentration of caffeine and intensity of the original flavor.

Origins of Arabica Bourbon
August 12

Origins of Arabica Bourbon

This one particular type of coffee, the Arabica Bourbon, is now sold only in Japan. It has been brought back to life by enthusiasts after being almost forgotten for nearly sixty years.

Which brewing fits you?
July 30

Which brewing fits you?

We have put down three procedures with clearly written steps describing the process of making coffee. Read this article to convince yourself that brewing coffee is no science.

Donate with us
July 21

Donate with us

Dancing Goat regularly donates money to Children in Africa, a foundation that helps children with food, accommodation, education and others. Create a better world and donate with us.